Mood Disorders for the Addictions Professional

The course that is being presented this week in our face-to-face Substance Abuse Counselor Training at PAHA is part of our DSM-IV TR for the Addictions Professional Series: “Mood Disorders“. This is a 6-hour course that is also available at our on-line training center anytime at which covers the topic of Mood Disorders with a specific substance abuse focus for Nurses, Counselors, and other Health Professionals.

Here are the topics covered in this course:

  1. Introduction to Depression
  2. Major Depressive Disorder
  3. Dysthymia
  4. Assessment of Depressive Disorders
  5. Intervention for Depressive Disorders including Psychopharmacology
  6. Substance-Induced Mood Disorder
  7. Bipoloar Disorder
  8. Mania, Mixed Episode, and Hypomanic Episode
  9. Rapid cycling
  10. Cyclothymic Disorder
  11. Assessment, Outcome and Intervention of Bipolar Disorders

To enroll in this course on-line please visit For more information about our face-to-face courses, please see our schedule at:

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