Quarantine Special – All PAHA Courses 50% OFF

Take advantage of your time sheltering in place and get the coursework you need for Certification, Re-Certification or Continuing Ed. Courses now cost: $37.50.

CSAC Certification in Hawaii –

Certified Substance Abuse Counselors are educated and qualified to provide assessment, counseling, case management and client education to persons suffering with substance abuse or dependency issues.

  • We have 45 courses to choose from
  • Course Cost: $37.50Retail Value is $75 — A Savings of $37.50 per course!
  • $150 for 4 coursesOur Recertification Package is normally $240 — You save $90 off the regular discounted price for 4 courses.

How to get started?

If you are not already registered on our training site, click here to set up a user account: http://www.substanceabusecounselortraining.com/login/index.php