Introduction to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

The new addictions course being offered this week at PAHA is “Introduction to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy”. This is Part 1 of a 12-hour course that is available at our on-line training center anytime at which covers the topic of Introduction to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with a specific substance abuse focus for Nurses, Counselors, and other Health Professionals.

Here are the topics covered in this course:

  1. Introduction to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  2. Theoretical Basis for CBT in Substance Use Disorders
  3. History of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  4. Variations on CBT
  5. Cognitive-Behavioral Techniques and Strategies
  6. Dysfunctional Thought Record
  7. Defining Features of CBT for substance use disorders
  8. The Beck Scales
  9. Empirical Support for use of CBT with Substance Use Disorders
  10. Goals and Structure of the Initial Session

To enroll in this course on-line please visit For more information about our face-to-face courses, please see our schedule at:

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