On-line Course in Codependency for the Addictions Professional

The new addictions course that is available on-line this week at PAHA is “Understanding Codependency and the Creation of Healthy Relationships”. This is a 6-hour course that is also available at our on-line training center anytime at http://substanceabusecounselortraining.com which covers the topic of codependency and the creation of healthy relationships with a specific substance abuse focus for Nurses, Counselors, and other Health Professionals.

Here are the topics covered in this course:

  1. Introduction to Codependency
  2. Alternatives to “enabling” and challenges to codependency concept
  3. Codependency and Substance Use from a Family Systems Perspective
  4. Differentiation of ‘Self’
  5. Nuclear Family Emotional System
  6. Family Projection Process
  7. Multigenerational transmission process
  8. Fusion and Cut-Off Relationship Patterns
  9. Subsystems and Super-systems
  10. Psychological Boundaries, Skewed Relationship Boundaries, and The Identified Patient
  11. Family Systems Therapy with Substance Abuse Issues
  12. Children of addicted or otherwise impaired parents
  13. Adolescent Substance Use, Risk and Protective Factors for Adolescents
  14. Family Systems Theory and the Adolescent Substance User
  15. Family Therapy with substance users and their families
  16. Marital Counseling and Therapy
  17. Outcomes and Self Assessment

To enroll in this course on-line please visit http://substanceabusecounselortraining.com. For more information about our face-to-face courses, please see our schedule at: https://addictionsprofessional.com/csac-certification/our-schedule

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