On-line Addictions Course in Relapse Prevention

The course that is being presented this week in our face-to-face Substance Abuse Counselor Training at PAHA is “Understanding Relapse Prevention“. This is a 6-hour course that is also available at our on-line training center anytime at http://substanceabusecounselortraining.com which covers the topic of Relapse Prevention with a specific substance abuse focus for Nurses, Counselors, and other Health Professionals.

Here are the topics covered in this course:

  1. Introduction to Relapse and Relapse Prevention
  2. Relapse Prevention Therapy
  3. Gorski and Miller’s Relapse Process Steps
  4. Development of a Substance-Free Lifestyle
  5. Identification and Fulfillment of Needs
  6. Relapse Prevention and Co-Occurring Disorders
  7. Substance Abuse Management Module (SAMM)
  8. Summary of RPT Strategies for Clients with COD

To enroll in this course on-line please visit http://substanceabusecounselortraining.com. For more information about our face-to-face courses, please see our schedule at: https://addictionsprofessional.com/csac-certification/our-schedule

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