Understanding Violence and Self-Harm for the Addictions Professional

The new addictions course that is available on-line this week at PAHA is Understanding Violence and Self-Harm. This is a 6-hour course that is available at our on-line training center anytime at http://substanceabusecounselortraining.com which covers the topic of violence and self-harm with a specific substance abuse focus for Nurses, Counselors, and other Health Professionals.

Here are the topics covered in this course:

  1. Overview of Violence including the Neurobiology of Anger and Aggression
  2. Domestic Violence
  3. Domestic Violence and Alcohol and Drug Use
  4. Victims of Domestic Abuse including Children
  5. Safety, Barriers, and Motivating Factors to leaving Violent Relationships
  6. Victimization and Substance Use
  7. Child Abuse
  8. Crisis Assessment and Intervention
  9. Suicide including Youth and Elderly Suicide
  10. Survivors of Suicide

To enroll in this course on-line please visit http://substanceabusecounselortraining.com. For more information about our face-to-face courses, please see our schedule at: https://addictionsprofessional.com/csac-certification/our-schedule

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